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Appendicitis treatment without surgery. Homeopathy Medicines

Appendicitis treatment without surgery. Homeopathy Medicines

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Appendicitis treatment remedies

Appendicitis treatment without surgery is possible in three scenarios. 1. An obstruction in your appendix gets unstuck and passes on through your intestine on its own, or if an infection that was causing lymphoid hyperplasia in your appendix improves and resolves on its own. 2. Antibiotic intervention at the right time (mild to moderate cases) has obviated the need for surgery. As per Medicinenet 88% of antibiotic-related patients have recovered from an appendectomy. 3. In alternative treatment, 'well selected constitutional homeopathic medicines in initial stages can manage successfully this condition without surgery' says Dr. Gopi.

Appendicitis treatment homeopathy medicines by indications

Dr.K.S. Gopi a researcher, academician, practitioner, and author of best seller book Homeopathy Easy Prescriber has identified important remedies for this condition 

Bryonia alba 1X (Q)  is one of the top remedies for acute appendicitis. Bryonia is prescribed when the pains are worse from movement and better from lying on the painful side and by pressure. As per John Hopkins medicine, appendicitis pain may start in the lower right-hand side of your belly and often gets worse as time goes on. May feel worse when you are moving, taking deep breaths, being touched, and coughing or sneezing. May be felt all over your belly if your appendix bursts. Other symptoms: There is tenderness in the right lower abdomen. The patient lies still with legs drawn up to relax the abdominal muscles. The patient does not want to be touched and every breath worsens the pain. Another feature is there is a thirst for large quantities of cold water.

Iris tenax 1X (Q) is considered a near specific for acute appendicitis and can be used when no indication for other remedies is present. There is fearful pain in the ileocaecal region with great tenderness to pressure and a deadly sensation at the pit of the stomach. A case study published in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy titled 'Recurrent appendicitis treated with the homoeopathic medicine Iris tenax 30C' validates this

Sulphur 1M should be given as an intercurrent remedy to complete the cure.

Belladonna 200 is best for acute appendicitis and it should be given when Iris tenax has failed. Just like Iris tenax Belladonna has severe pain in the ileocaecal region which is worse from a jerk. The right lower quadrant pain is so severe that inability to slightest touch even of a bed cover. The patient feels better by lying on the back with knees drawn up. There is a throbbing headache, vomiting, and fever without perspiration. Other 

Baptisia Tictoria CM is another effective remedy in acute appendicitis where one dose in the acute form of the disease may abort the need for surgery. It appears as a sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen and may shift. Nausea and vomiting accompany and pain worsens from movement

Dioscorea Villosa Q- is another effective remedy for controlling acute appendicitis pain. Dioscorea is prescribed where the pain is constant, the patient has never been entirely free from pain. The bowels filled with gas with griping, twisting pains better by bending backward. 15 drops in hot water fade the pain of appendicitis.

Lycopodium Clavatum 1M is an excellent remedy for controlling the acute pain of appendicitis, it also helps to stop the recurrence of the attack. Give Lycopodium 1000 every two weeks. Accumulation of fecal matter, constipation, and calcified fecal deposits are some of the common triggers for the recurrence of appendicitis

Plumbum Metallicum 30  is best for acute appendicitis and it is considered when vomiting is a predominant symptom. You may feel sick to your stomach with appendicitis, or unable to keep anything down and vomit due to blockage from your intestines. There is tense pain which is worse from touch or motion.

Ignatia Amara 30- is prescribed for acute appendicitis where there is extreme nervousness from pain and the patient fear of operation for appendicitis. Stress and anxiety may exacerbate appendicitis-related inflammation and its consequences (like perforation). For getting relief the knees are drawn up to the chin. The body is hot and rigid.

Echinacea 1x should be considered in septic conditions of appendicitis. This may arise from blocked fecal matter or from an appendix burst, causing the infection to spread in the abdomen. Tiredness is a characteristic symptom of this remedy.

Rhus Toxicodendron 30 is another remedy that should also be considered in septic conditions of appendicitis. There is extensive swelling over the ileocaecal region and great pain causing incessant restlessness.

Psorinum 200 should be given after an acute attack is over to prevent the return of the disease (reoccurrence).

Tip For best results, the medicines should match the indicated symptoms or as advised by your doctor

Note: above medicines are available in 2-dram medicated globules or 30 ml dilutions (sealed unit). 

Dosage: (Pills) Adult and children 2 years of age and older: Dissolve 4 pills under the tongue 3 times a day until relieved or as directed by a physician. (Drops): The usual dosage is 3-4 drops in a teaspoon of water 2-3 times daily. Dosage may vary depending on the conditions. Always consult a Homeopathic Physician before taking medicines

Disclaimer: The medicines listed here are solely based on a suggestion made by a doctor on YouTube, Blog, Book whose reference is provided. homeoayur does not provide any medical advice or prescriptions or suggest self-medications. This is a part of the customer education initiative. We suggest you consult your physician before taking any medicines

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