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German Bryonia Alba Mother Tincture Q

German Bryonia Alba Mother Tincture Q

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About German Bryonia Alba Mother Tincture

Bryonia alba homoeopathic medicine is derived from a plant called White Bryony also known as Wild Hops. It contains Bryonin which is known for its antirheumatic and antisycotic properties

Some of the major complaints treated by it are constipation stomach pain, headache, dry mouth, joint pain, back pain and cough.   

Patient profile - Bryonia patient is tall, lean people having gouty or rheumatic diathesis i.e. tendency to suffer from joint pains. It suits patients with respiratory problems and gastric troubles including constipation and stomach pain

It is indicted in affection of serous membranes and the viscera they contains, conditions with dryness of mucous membranes such as dry cough and dry throat, rheumatic pains and swellings, dropsical conditions with collection of fluid in synovial capsules and body cavities.

What doctors recommend Bryonia alba for in homeopathy?

Dr Rashmi R Shukla recommends Bryonia  ब्रायोनिया एल्बा for constipation, pleurisy (chest stitching pain), arthritis, cold and fever from change of weather. She says this medicine has an effect on Mucous membranes, Serous and synovial membranes of the body

Dr Ritu Jain recommends says it is a right sided medicines Bryonia alba for dryness of mouth, lips, with hard stools. Inflammation of joints (body pain)

Dr Vikas Sharma recommends for

  • pain in the forehead and back of head (occiput), feeling of heaviness in the head
  • vertigo appears on slightest motion, on rising and stooping.
  • dry mouth and dry lips
  • gastro intestinal action - treats constipation, stomach pain and nausea, vomiting
  • enlargement of liver and inflammation of liver.
  • cases of joint pain from gout (high uric acid), arthritis (inflamed joints), injured joints and sprains
  • helpful for treatment of cough, pneumonia and pleurisy
  • inflammation of breast (mastitis)
  • dry, burning heat and body aches with fever

Dr Gopi recommends

  1. Bryonia Alba 30- Stitching pain in the chest, worse on any motion and better by rest and cold things. Dry pleurisy
  2. Bryonia 30 is very effective for constipation when stool is highly dry, large and excessively hard
  3. Bryonia Alba 30 is of great help in treatment of osteoarthritis of knee joint where the pain in the knee joint gets worse by walking and the patient feels better by taking absolute rest.

    Bryonia Alba therapeutic range of actions as per Boericke Materia Medica

    Acts on all serous membranes and the viscera they contain. Aching in every muscle. The general character of the pain here produced is a stitching, tearing; worse by motion, better rest. These characteristic stitching pains, greatly aggravated by any motion, are found everywhere, but especially in the chest; worse pressure. Mucous membranes are all dry. The Bryonia patient is irritable; has vertigo from raising the head, pressive headache; dry, parched lips, mouth; excessive thirst, bitter taste, sensitive epigastrium, and feeling of a stone in the stomach; stools large, dry, hard; dry cough; rheumatic pains and swellings; dropsical effusions into synovial and serous membranes.

    Bryonia affects especially the constitution of a robust, firm fiber and dark complexion, with tendency to leanness and irritability. It prefers the right side, the evening, and open air, warm weather after cold days, to manifest its action most markedly.

    Children dislike to be carried or raised. Physical weakness, all-pervading apathy. Complaints apt to develop slowly.

    Mouth: Dryness of lips with parched and cracked skin. Very dry mouth, tongue, and throat with increased thirst. Yellowish, dark brown coating of tongue with bitter taste from gastric derangements.

    Throat: Constriction of throat with dryness and sticking on swallowing. Thick, viscid and tough mucus in larynx and trachea, expelled after much hawking, complaints worse in warm room.

    Stomach: Dryness of mucous membranes of pharynx with excessive thirst for large quantities of water and increased appetite. Tenderness in the epigastrium with soreness and sensitiveness to touch. Heaviness and pressure in the abdomen with nausea and fainting sensation when waking up. Vomiting of bilious fluid immediately after eating.

    Stool: Dryness of rectum and anus with excoriation from passing stools. Stools hard, dry and seems too large with bleeding. Constipation in hot weather, after being heated, from cold drinks.

    Extremities: Stiffness and pain in the knees with swelling of feet. The joints are red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing pain which gets worse on least movement and pressure.

    Fever: Internal heat with increased sweating, and full, hard and quick pulse. Body cold to touch during chill, with dry cough. Profuse, sour perspiration on least exertion. Rheumatic and typhoid fever with gastric and liver complaints.

    Modalities: Worse from warmth, any motion, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch. Better from pressure, rest, cold things.

    Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician's advice.

    About German Homeopathy remedies: These medicines are made and bottled in Germany. They are shipped to India and sold through authorized distributors. German brands available in India currently are Dr. Reckeweg, Schwabe Germany (WSG), and Adel (Pekana).

    Bryonia alba Mother Tincture Q is available in following German brands and Sizes

    • Reckeweg (20ml) 
    • Adel (20ml) 
    • Schwabe (WSG) (20ml)
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