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German Cantharis Mother Tincture Q

German Cantharis Mother Tincture Q

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About German Cantharis Mother Tincture

This fly is from the middle and south of Europe, and appears in the month of May & June, especially on the white poplar, privet, ash-elder, lilac, etc. upon the leaves of which they feed. A homeopathic tincture is made from the whole dried fly. It is covered by the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India and German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. 


  • Stimulates and excites sexual organs in both sexes. (To be used under medical supervision only)
  • Useful for gastric derangements of pregnancy, dysuria with other complaints.
  • For hair growth, burns, and as a counter irritant (1x externally in both cases).

What do doctors recommend Cantharis for?

Dr. Vikas Sharma recommends Cantharis for 

  1. Urinary System (cystitis, UTI, kidney pain, nephritis, urethral stricture, kidney stone). The main indication for using it is pain and burning before, during, and after urination.
  2. Skin (burns, scalds, sunburn, eczema, ulcers). There is relief from cold applications. In some cases, blisters (fluid-filled bumps) can be present in burns cases. Its use is also done for cases of sunburn
  3. Female problems (nymphomania, vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, ovaritis, sterility)
  4. Throat (burning, inflammation, ulcers, mucus, difficulty swallowing)

Depending from case to case it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency, frequent repetition is usually not recommended. In case of burns on the skin, this medicine can be applied externally on the skin by diluting its 1X or 2X potency in water.

Dr. KS Gopi recommends Cantharis for 

  1. Cantharis30 is one of the top remedies for UTI. This medicine can also be used in treating cases where there is recurrence. Symptoms; a burning pain while passing urine, feeling that the urine was not completely expelled, pain in the back on both  sides of the spine
  2. Cantharis 30 is the ideal choice among Homeopathic medicines for pus cells in the urine, burning in the urethra before urination, and Tenesmus of the bladder marked.
  3. Cantharis30 is an excellent remedy for prostatitis when the urine is passed with a burning sensation and in drops. So, burning, smarting, scalding micturition with urine coming out in drops is a clear guide to using Cantharis.

Cantharis Patient profile

Throat: Inflammation of the throat with burning and scalding sensation of the mouth, pharynx, and throat with furrowed and cracked tongue with vesicles and reddish edges. Thick viscid mucus in the throat and pharynx with difficulty in swallowing liquids. Spasmodic contraction of the throat excited by touching the larynx

Chest: Collection of fluid in the lung cavities with severe, sharp pains in the chest. Difficulty in breathing with severe palpitation and frequent, short, dry, and hacking cough and tendency to lose consciousness.

Urine: Irritation of the bladder with intolerable urging and painful urination. Inflammation of kidneys with bloody urine and violent cutting and burning pains in the region of kidneys with painful urging to urinate. Severe tenesmus with sharp cutting pains before, during, and after urination. Hot scalding urine passed in drops.

Female: Painful urination with retained placenta, in removing moles, dead products of conception, and membranes. Increased sexual desire, inflammation of the uterus after childbirth with inflammation of the bladder. Menses too early and too profuse with irritation and swelling of the vulva and pain in the coccyx. Pain in the ovarian region which is extremely sensitive to touch.

Skin: Inflammatory skin diseases from irritation, eczema of the scrotum and genital due to increased perspiration. Itching, scaly eruptions, and burning vesicular eruptions. It is indicated for sunburn, burns, and scalds, with rawness and smarting, relieved by cold applications. Reddish areas of inflamed skin of vesicular type, with pain and restlessness.
Modalities: Worse from touch, urinating, drinking cold water or coffee. Better by rubbing.

Recommended dosage

5 drops internally thrice daily, stop the medicine after a week (as large doses may have toxic symptoms). Externally applied with purified water/oil for burns.

About German Homeopathy remedies: These medicines are made and bottled in Germany. They are shipped to India and sold through authorized distributors. German brands available in India currently are Dr. Reckeweg, Schwabe Germany (WSG), and Adel (Pekana).

Aalserum (eel serum) 7X  Mother Tincture Q is available in the following German brands and Sizes

  • Reckeweg (20ml) (100ml)
  • Adel (20ml) (100ml)
  • Schwabe (WSG) (20ml)

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