German Stellaria Media Homeopathy Dilutions 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
German Stellaria Media Homeopathy Dilutions 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
About German Stellaria Media homeopathic Dilutions 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Also known as Stellaria M. It is homeopathic medicine. It is mostly found in spring cleansing tonics and in green vegetables. It is made by pressing and filtering the Stellaria plant. It is safer to use with no side effects. It helps in treating damaged tissues and also protects from blood disorders.
Patient Profile:-
Head- General irritability. Lassitude, indisposition to work. Smarting and burning in eyes, feel protruded. Dull, frontal headache; worse in morning and left side with sleepiness. Neck muscles stiff and sore. Eyes feel protruded.
Abdomen- Liver engorged, swollen, with stitching pain and sensitive to pressure. Clay-colored stools. Hepatic torpor. Constipation or alternating constipation and diarrhśa.
Extremities- Rheumatoid pains in different parts of the body. Sharp pain in small of back, over kidneys, in gluteal region, extending down thigh. Pain in shoulders and arms. Synovitis. Bruised feeling. Rheumatic pains in calves of legs.
Modalities- Worse, mornings, warmth, tobacco. Better, evenings, cold air, motion.
Key Benefits:
- Treats dry, cracked, and inflamed tissue
- Helps in curing rheumatic pains, arthritis, bronchitis
- Protects from psoriasis, asthma, conjunctivitis, constipation
- Relieves from upset stomach, obesity and blood disorders
- Cures chronic rheumatism
- Helps in treating gout disorder, psoriasis, cervical spondylitis
- Cures liver conditions engorged, swollen, stitching pain, sensitive to pressure
- Used as a remedy for cirrhosis of liver and cancer liver of first and second stages
About German Homeopathy remedies: These medicines are made and bottled in Germany. They are shipped to India and sold through authorized distributors. German brands available in India currently are Dr. Reckeweg, Schwabe Germany (WSG), and Adel (Pekana).
Homeopathy Dilutions is available in following German brands and Sizes
- Reckeweg (10ml)
- Adel (10ml)
- Schwabe (WSG) (10ml)