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Haslab HC11 Senega Complex Tablet for Bronchitis, Breathlessness

Haslab HC11 Senega Complex Tablet for Bronchitis, Breathlessness

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About Homeopathy Haslab HC11 Senega Complex Tablets

Homeopathy Haslab HC 11 Senega Complex Tablet is useful in treating difficulty in breathing as well as short and oppressed breathing with a feeling of pain behind the sternum. It is very effective in bronchitis, constriction, breathlessness, respiration with suffocation. It is also helpful in treating cases of restlessness and anxiety.

दमा, हँफनी, साँस फूलना, बेचैनी, साँस लेने व निकालने में कष्ट, लेटने में साँस अधिक फूलना, सर आगे झुकाकर बैठने से आराम मिलना, खाँसी आना, अधिक बलगम निकलना, छाती में दर्द

Key Benefits:

  • Useful in treating Asthma derangements
  • Helps in reducing the sensation of constriction
  • Fights against restlessness, anxiety, as well as short, and oppressed breathing

Composition - Arsenic alb 6x, Senega 3x, Kali mur 3x

Action of Ingredients used in Haslab HC 11 (Senega Complex)

Arsenic Alb 6x : Air-passages constricted. suffocative cough which is aggravated more at night, scanty expectoration with wheezing and cough dry. Burning Heat all over the body.

Senega 3x : Burning and rawness in throat, Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged. Rattling in chest

Kali Mur 3x : Mucus white and hard to cough up. Loud, noisy stomach cough. Expectoration thick and white. Rattling sounds of air passing through thick mucus. 

Presentation: 20gm


Adults 2 tabs; Children 1 tab, 3-4 times daily, or as prescribed by the physician


Bronchitis, Breathlessness


Hahnemann Scientific Laboratory (India)



What doctors recommend Homeopathy medicine Senega for?

Dr. Vikas Sharma recommends Senega for 

  • Senega is valuable to treat such cases with difficult expectoration. In cases needing it, there is loose, rattling cough with little expectoration.
  • Senega is another of the wonderful medicines for wheezing with rattling mucus in the chest
  • Senega is suitable for treating allergic bronchitis in elderly people. People needing Senega tend to get an accumulation of tough mucus in the air tubes.

Dr KS Gopi recommends Homeopathic Senega for

  1. Bronchtis: Cough. Cough often ends in a sneez. Bursting pain in back on coughing. Rattling in chest. Albuminous or blood –streaked sputum. Bronchial catarrh with sore chest walls, much mucus, sensation of oppression and weight of chest. Bronchitis of old people.  Difficult raising of tough, profuse, mucus in the aged.
  2. Senega 30 is the most effective  Homeopathic medicines for cataract that develops after a surgery and causes flickering and double vision. The person feels the need to wipe the eyes frequently.
  3. Senega 30 is another effective remedy with increased respiration. There is excessive dyspnea and sharp contractive pains in the muscles of chest. Another feature is persistent cough.
  4. Chest congestion. The patient requiring this medicine complains of rattling of mucus in chest with oppressed feeling. The mucus from the chest needs much effort and comes out with great difficulty. The expectorated mucus is tough and copious. Extreme soreness is felt in chest.
  5. Viral pandemic Senega : Rattling in chest. Sticky thick expectoration with wheezing. Rattling in chest, difficulty in raising sputum, especially in cases of emphysematous and COPD patients. Violent cough, hyperesthesia of chest.  Cough often ends in sneezing. Exudations in pleura. Worse lying on right side. Dryness in throat and chest. Consider after Bryonia stage.

Dr Kirti recommends Senega 

In his youtube video titled “Senega | Homeopathic Medicine for allergy and infection ? cough eyeflotter Hyperphoria !” he recommends Senega for

  • cough
  • allergic bronchitis
  • allergic rhinitis
  • chronic bronchitis
  • acute bronchitis
  • acute laryngitis
  • chronic laryngitis
  • hyperphoria
  • eye floater
  • blurred vision
  • vision loss
  • eye diseases
  • lungs diseases 

how to use; Senega Q 20 drop 3 times a day with some water 

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