Menispermum Canadense Mother Tincture
Menispermum Canadense Mother Tincture
About Menispermum Canadense Homeopathy Mother Tincture
It is a drug associated with restlessness, depression and dreams. It also includes pain in the spine, dryness in the mouth and throat and itching all over.
Head- Signs such as headache, swollen tongue and saliva, stretching and yawning pain down the back and head with pressure from outwards.
Extremities - Treats pain in the back, thighs, elbows, shoulders and sore on the legs as if bruised.
Menispermum Canadense as per Boericke Materia Medica
A remedy for megrim, associated with restlessness and dreams. Pain in spine. Dryness, itching all over. Dry mouth and throat.
Head.--Pressure from within outward, with stretching and yawning and pain down back. Sick headache; pain in forehead and temples, moving to occiput. Tongue swollen and much saliva.
Extremities.--Pain in back, thighs, elbows, shoulders. Legs sore, as if bruised.
Relationship.--Compare: Cocculus; Bryon.
Dose.--Third potency