REPL Dr. Adv. No. 19 drops (BONE DESEASE) 15% Off
REPL Dr. Adv. No. 19 drops (BONE DESEASE) 15% Off
Indication- REPL Dr. Advice No.19 Bone Disease is prescribed in the symptoms associated with weak bones, Calcium deficiency in Children, and menopausal calcium needs. Of great use in wounds penetrating to bones. Pain in joints and bones, Rupture of the bone membrane, and Calcium deficiency In children.
Composition-Calcarea Phosphorica 6, Calcarea Fluorica 6, Phosphorus 30, Silicea 6, Acidum Fluoricum 6X, Hekla Lava 6, Aurum Metallicum 6, Symphytum Officinale Q, Arnica Montana Q, Terminalia Arjuna Q.
Mode of Action of Individual of Ingredients-
- Calcarea Phosphorica 6x: Defective bone growth, Bones thin and brittle.
- Calcarea Flourica 6x: Suppuration of bones.
- Phosphorus 30x: Bone disease, abscess, especially of the breast.
- Silicea 6x: Femur as if beaten, Knees as if too tightly bound.
- Acidum Flormicum (Flouric Acid) 6x: It acts on the bones, especially the long bones.
- Hekla Lava 3: Rickets, Bones, affections of.
- Aurum Metallicum 6: Pain in the back, Backache with seminal emissions.
- Symphytum Officinale Q: Much used among herbalists in caries of spinal and other bones. (R.T.C.).
- Arnica Montana Q: Pain as if the joints of the arms and wrists sprained.
- Terminalia (Arjuna) Q: In fractures, pain all over the body. Terminalia Arjuna is an ultimate remedy for fractured bones, a tonic to help the bones heal at a faster rate.
Dosage-5-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4 times daily. For chronic conditions every 2 hours daily.
औषधि अस्थि आवरण की चुभनशील वेदना और दुखन, ठंडे मौसम में हड्डियों में दर्द लगातार बना रहे जो धूप में बैठने से आराम दे। भग्नास्थियों की वेदना हड्डियों का कुपोषण, अस्थि विकार इत्यादि लक्षणों पर सफलतापूर्वक व्यवहार की जाती है।