REPL Dr. Adv. No. 38 drops (DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN) 15% Off
REPL Dr. Adv. No. 38 drops (DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN) 15% Off
Indication - REPL Dr. Advice No. 38 DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN is prescribed for the symptoms associated with Cholera infantum, Frequent watery flow of stool, and Teething diarrhea.
If diarrhea occurs during the onset of the teething period, it will take a few days for it to go away after you take remedial measures like REPL #38. But if diarrhea doesn't stop after about a week or reoccurs every few weeks, have a doctor examine your baby.
Composition- Cuphea Q, Rheum 6X, Magnesia Carbonica 6, Podophyllum 6X
Mode of Action Of Individual Ingredients REPL Dr. Adv No 38
Cuphea Viscosissima Q: This is a popular remedy in some parts of the U.S. for summer diarrhea & dysentery.
Rhenum 6x: Diarrhoea with much wind, stool bubbling out.
Magnesia Carbonica 6x: Greenish, frothy, and mucous diarrhea, stool with white floating lumps.
Podophyllinum 6x: Infantile dysentery, Dysenteric diarrhea, stool thin, watery, green, much-gelatinous with pain in sacrum.
Dosage - 2-5 Drops with 1 spoon of water 4-5 times daily in chronic condition, 6-7 times daily.