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REPL Dr. Adv. No. 84 drops (PROSTET GLAND) 15% Off

REPL Dr. Adv. No. 84 drops (PROSTET GLAND) 15% Off

Regular price Rs. 162.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 162.00
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Indication- REPL Dr. Advice No. 84 PROSTET GLAND is prescribed for the symptoms associated with acute and chronic prostatitis and its consequences. This medicine is effective in hypertrophy of the prostate gland with involvement of the bladder, frequent urge to urinate, enlarged prostate, prostate infections, discharge of prostatic liquid, and painful urination. It acts on the membrane-prostatic portion of the urethra. Prostate enlarged & pain may experience. PAP secretion disturbs the prostate gland to lose its elasticity & constriction.

Composition- Thuja Occidentalis Q, Pulsatilla Q, Baryta Carbonica 6, Sabal Serrulata Q, Staphysagria 6X, Calcarea Fluorica 30.

Mode of Action of Individual Ingredients-

  • Thuja Q: Prostatic affections from suppressed or badly medicated, the flow of prostatic fluid.
  • Pulsatilla Q: Flow of prostatic fluid, Inflammation of prostate glands.
  • Baryta Carbonica 6x: Gleet-Hypertrophied prostate, Diminution sexual desire.
  • Sabel Serrulata Q: Testicles are tightly drawn up, almost painfully, sense of coldness, enlarged prostate.
  • Staphysagria 6x: Chronic prostatitis in old men, pain extending from the anus along the urethra.
  • Calcerea Flourica 30x: Induration of testes, and urine causes smarting along the urethra, particularly at the external orifice

Dosage- 20-25 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily.

पुरूषों की पुर: स्थग्रन्थि सम्बन्धी रोग, विवर्द्धन, पुरःस्थद्रव्य का बाय, वृषणों का क्षय, रतिशक्ति की कमी, जननयंत्र ठंडे, सर्वांगीण दुर्बलता यह औषधि मूत्रमार्ग की पुर: स्थग्रन्थि झिल्ली अंश पर क्रिया करके प्रोस्टेट ग्रन्थि के सभी रोगों को समाप्त 1 करती है

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