Vipera Berus Homeopathy Dilution 30C, 200C, 1M
Vipera Berus Homeopathy Dilution 30C, 200C, 1M
VIPERA BERUS as per Boericke Materia Medica
Source: The German Viper (made from fresh venom)
Also known as: VIPERA, Vipera Torva
Viper poisoning causes a temporary increase in reflexes, paresis supervenes, a paraplegia of the lower extremities extending upwards. Resembles acute ascending paralysis of Landry (Wells). Has special action on kidneys and induces hćmaturia. Cardiac dropsy.
Indicated in inflammation of veins with great swelling; bursting sensation. Enlargement of liver. Ailments of menopause. Śdema of glottis. Poly-neuritis, polio-myelitis.
Vipera Indications:
Considered most effective in thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the wall of a vein with associated thrombosis, often occurring in the legs during pregnancy)
Effective in poor blood circulation, edema, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver)
Face.--Excessively swollen. Lips and tongue swollen, livid, protruding. Tongue dry, brown, black. Speech difficult.
Liver.--Violent pain in enlarged liver, with jaundice and fever; extends to shoulder and hip.
Extremities.--Patient is obliged to keep the extremities elevated. When they are allowed to hang down, it seems as if they would burst, and the pain is unbearable (Diad). Varicose veins and acute phlebitis. Veins swollen, sensitive; bursting pain. Severe cramps in lower extremities.
Skin.--Livid. Skin peels in large plates. Lymphangioma, boils, carbuncles, with bursting sensation, relieved by elevating parts.
Relationship.--Pelius berus-Adder (Prostration and fainting, faltering pulse, skin yellow, pain about navel. Swelling of arm, tongue, right eye; giddiness, nervousness, faintness, sickness, compression of chest, could not breathe properly or take a deep breath; aching and stiffness of limbs, joints stiff, collapsed feeling, great thirst). Eel serum (heart and kidney diseases. Failure of compensation and impending asystole).
Dose.--Twelfth potency.